Eye care
Our optometrists are well qualified to understand and interpret your requirements. Your eyes will be examined for sight, health and function. An eye examination usually takes around 30-40 minutes but will vary according to your age, individual history and symptoms. We recommend that everyone should have an eye examination every two years, or occasionally more frequently if the optometrist advises.
Some people are entitled to a full eye examination paid for by the NHS, listed below are those entitled, with a * marking those who also qualify for a NHS voucher towards the cost of their glasses/contact lenses
Children *
Students under 19 *
Over 60's
Glaucoma sufferers and their close relatives aged 40 or over
People receiving Income support *
People receiving Tax credits *
People with exemption certificate HC2 *
People with a complex prescription
Eye pressure checks and basic visual field screening are routine after the age of 40.
The computer-generated images of the digital retinal camera enable a very much better view of the retina than can be achieved using standard equipment. Including retinal photography with your examination allows for comparison of any changes over the years that are relevant to your health.
As well as looking at the health of your eyes, we will look at how your eyes work together, establish your prescription and advise on how your eyes may develop in the future. Along with the Dispensing optician we will advise on the best form of correction linked to your vision and lifestyle needs.
Some people are entitled to a full eye examination paid for by the NHS, listed below are those entitled, with a * marking those who also qualify for a NHS voucher towards the cost of their glasses/contact lenses
Children *
Students under 19 *
Over 60's
Glaucoma sufferers and their close relatives aged 40 or over
People receiving Income support *
People receiving Tax credits *
People with exemption certificate HC2 *
People with a complex prescription
Eye pressure checks and basic visual field screening are routine after the age of 40.
The computer-generated images of the digital retinal camera enable a very much better view of the retina than can be achieved using standard equipment. Including retinal photography with your examination allows for comparison of any changes over the years that are relevant to your health.
As well as looking at the health of your eyes, we will look at how your eyes work together, establish your prescription and advise on how your eyes may develop in the future. Along with the Dispensing optician we will advise on the best form of correction linked to your vision and lifestyle needs.